When you deliver with Tyltgo, you are operating as an independent contractor; not as an employee of Tyltgo. Similar to a small business owner, fees paid by Tyltgo to you for your delivery services are not employment income so are not reported on a T4 slip which is a record of annual employment earnings.
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires that you file income tax each year. When you deliver with Tyltgo, income tax is not deducted from the earnings you made throughout the year. This means it’s your sole responsibility to pay your income tax at tax time and to obtain any legal, accounting or other professional advice in connection with the same.
The Basics of Filing Self-Employment Taxes
This section outlines the basics of Self-Employment Taxes – we strongly recommend that you seek guidance from a qualified tax site or service – this summary is for information purposes only and Tyltgo is not providing legal or professional advice on tax or your obligations at law.
The main tax forms used to complete your personal income tax return are the T1 General and the Schedule 1. As an independent contractor, you’ll also likely need to enter your Tyltgo Partner information on the Form T2125, Statement of Business or Professional Activities. Form T2125, is used to report your income and expenses as an independent contractor
Tyltgo will email you your Annual Tax Summary in mid-February for the previous year. Please check your email and spam folder for your Tax Summary sent on February 10th.
Tax Deductible Expenses
Next, you’ll want to gather all of your receipts, bills and statements that you’ll be entering which may be eligible as deductible expenses. Common tax deductible expenses for Tyltgo Partners include:
- Gas
- Oil
- Windshield washer fluid
- Brake fluid
- Repairs and routine oil changes
- Tires
- Lease payments
- A portion of cell phone expenses
- Car washes/detailing
Next Steps
We recommend you consult a qualified tax professional or service for advice on what you need to report to the CRA and what steps you need to take to meet your tax obligations.