Additional charges may include:
Courier Wait Time - $15/hour - this charge is incurred when a courier arrives at the specified pickup time entered in your merchant portal, or agreed upon with API integration, and needs to wait if orders are not ready for pick up.
Last Minute Order Submission - varies - this charge is incurred when orders are submitted last your order submission cutoff time. Please confirm with Tyltgo support prior to submitting the orders, else it may be rejected.
Premium charge for Delivery Outside Delivery Regions - $15-25/order - this is when an order is submitted outside the agreed-upon FSAs. Tyltgo has the right to refuse these orders if the distance is out of scope.
Additional Package - varies - when an order has multiple boxes, each additional box will incur the additional box charge as shown in your Service Proposal or your Master Services Agreement.
Cancelled Orders - varies
- If a courier is not assigned to the route, the order will be cancelled at no charge. You can view whether a courier has been assigned or not with a 'Courier Assigned' tag on your merchant portal for each route (see screenshot below, Batch #1 - tag "New")
- If a courier is assigned to the route, the delivery fee will apply as our contract with the courier is for the full price of the route they had accepted (see screenshot below, Batch #2 - tag "Courier Assigned"
Re-Delivery - varies - if a delivery cannot be successfully completed (e.g. not accepted by front desk, etc.), a re-delivery fee will apply if the courier or merchant can get a hold of the customer while the courier is still on their route with the package. Tyltgo is not responsible for re-deliveries due to mistakes input by the recipient or merchant (e.g. wrong address was provided).
Exceeds Standard Package Size - varies - this charge is incurred when a package is larger than the standard dimensions agreed upon in your Merchant Onboarding Handbook Logistical Protocols. Typically this results in the price of a second package.
Bag Return - varies - this charge is incurred when you require couriers to pick up bags or coolers from your customer, typically from their previous order, and return them to your pickup location at the end of their route. Refer to your Master Services Agreement for pricing on bag return.